CANDIA AGUSTI, GABRIEL ALFONSOGABRIEL ALFONSOCANDIA AGUSTI2023-10-272023-10-272020 dataset contains all the necessary data to replicate our study, which is currently under review. The dataset contains information on Public Procurement Activity of Portuguese municipalities between 2011 and 2018. File SAI.csv contains information on the total value executed per municipality on different types of procurement contracts, per year. Additionally it contains information on the prediction and residuals from the best fitting scaling law, and population size.File socio-economic.csv contains a set of indicators extracted from porData and compiled by us.Procurement_data.csv contains additional information on procurement activity per municipality, for instance the number of contracts issued per municipality on each year per type of contract.Urban Scaling LawsPublic ProcurementCity ScienceUrban Analysis and DevelopmentDataset - Scaling behavior of public procurement activityDataset